
We only accept PayPal donations at this time.

Group Contributions

  • Groups each pay a monthly donation, paid before the 5th of each month.

  • You can collect $20 per meeting to ensure your group can make the monthly suggested donation.

    • $87 per month is the suggested donation for groups that convene once a week (4.34524 weeks per month x $20 = $87).

    • $435 is the suggested donation for groups that convene 5 times a week. ($87 per meeting per month x 5 meetings).

    • $609 is the suggested donation for groups that convene 7 times a week ($87 per meeting per month x 7 meetings).

  • Include your group name and month in the memo when sending donations.

  • Send your groups’ treasurer’s email to if you would like a monthly reminder sent.

North Brooklyn Recovery covers the cost of the space’s rent, utilities, cleaning materials, and bathroom supplies (groups do not need to provide these supplies). Each meeting will be responsible for taking out its own trash and tidying up. We ask that you give North Brooklyn Recovery 30 days notice should you no longer need to use your monthly reservation.